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  • Writer's pictureFuerza De Vida

New Design For Northern CA!

(This plan does not contain the full information but is an example of my work.For full design contact me!)

River side town Latitude 40.50814

lot size .63 acres.

Elevation 161 feet

Initial Site Design

1) House 2)Grey water

3) Recycling 4) Chicken coop

5) Storage shed 6) Green house

7) compost 8) Driveway

9)Table 10) Raised beds

11) Potato boxes 12) Boarder bed

13) Herb spiral 14) Pot watering

15) Orchard/ Forage field 16) Tree Protection

17) Chickens 18) Bees

19) Sound barrier

Mature Site Design

20) Rain water collection tank 21) Pond

22) Shade tree 23) Run off creek

24) Hugelkultur raised bed 25) Cold frames

26) Pipe watering 27) Pasture fence

28) Barn 29) Goats

30) Cow 31) Hanging plants

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